Monday, December 8, 2014

a confession

Yesterday I made my children quesadillas for lunch and they looked scrumptious! I haven't eaten cheese in months now but boy did they look so nice and golden brown. I decided to make one for myself, just because I didn't have many options in the house for lunch (a person can only eat so many salads in a week, right?) and I was feeling somewhat stressed and thought the cheese would be a good reward for getting some stuff done around the house.

Okay, yes, I know food shouldn't be used as a reward. I am trying very hard to get away from that mindset, but it means erasing decades of eating disordered behavior and thoughts. So, I had a momentary lapse of reason and willpower.

But here is the good news: I couldn't eat the quesadilla. It just tasted like plastic to me. Blech! Now, it wasn't super high quality cheese, but still, the point is that I DID NOT EAT IT!

I am going to chalk that up as a victory!

Monday, December 1, 2014

vegan thanksgiving

Even though I was just cooking for my fiance and I, our Thanksgiving meal was a great success! I baked a Celebration Field Roast coated with a bit of sesame oil in a baking dish with vegetable broth and carrots, celery, and mushrooms. I made vegan mashed potatoes with a bit of broth, almond milk and earth balance. And I made stuffing - the only one I could find where the bread cubes did not have any dairy in them - with veggie broth and sauteed carrots, celery and mushrooms mixed in. We also had ciabatta rolls under the broiler with earth balance and a vegan maple pecan pie for dessert. The pecan pie was incredible and was made with maple syrup, brown and white sugar, tofu, almond milk and cornstarch.

My fiance was thrilled!

Then for our engagement party Saturday night I made a vegetable curry with red curry paste and coconut milk and rice and it was a huge hit!

I'm feeling that I'm getting the hang of this vegan cooking thing!