Monday, November 17, 2014

on vegan weddings

My fiance would like to have a vegan wedding and I have been thinking a lot about how we can accomplish this. First off, my close friend and baker extraordinaire, who goes by the moniker Madame Buttercream, has graciously offered to experiment with vegan cake recipes. So that is good news! But I was confused about how others would feel about attending a celebration and finding their food choices limited.

I have a wonderful support group of friends on Facebook where I set up a group solely to discuss our wedding. I pose questions and they answer with honest feedback or give me ideas and advice. I posted today about my food dilemma and everyone unanimously agreed that it's our wedding and we should serve whatever we want. Our guests will be appreciative and want to celebrate with us no matter what is on the menu.

Plus, I was assured that if there will be alcohol, everyone will be happy!

So, I'm still not sure what will be on the menu but I have decided not to let the limitation of serving vegan food dictate the time of the ceremony and whether or not we are serving hor d'oeuvres or an actual meal. But I would love to throw it out there to the vegan community for feedback: what did you serve at your own weddings?

I'm anxious to hear your answers! Please comment and share this post among your vegan friends!

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