Monday, December 8, 2014

a confession

Yesterday I made my children quesadillas for lunch and they looked scrumptious! I haven't eaten cheese in months now but boy did they look so nice and golden brown. I decided to make one for myself, just because I didn't have many options in the house for lunch (a person can only eat so many salads in a week, right?) and I was feeling somewhat stressed and thought the cheese would be a good reward for getting some stuff done around the house.

Okay, yes, I know food shouldn't be used as a reward. I am trying very hard to get away from that mindset, but it means erasing decades of eating disordered behavior and thoughts. So, I had a momentary lapse of reason and willpower.

But here is the good news: I couldn't eat the quesadilla. It just tasted like plastic to me. Blech! Now, it wasn't super high quality cheese, but still, the point is that I DID NOT EAT IT!

I am going to chalk that up as a victory!

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